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Shalom everyone, The sensational events taking place all over the world has once again caused "news" to defeat "no news".
Even so I'm not going to fall into the trap of dealing with "news".
I've been put out somewhat by the no news of the sad passing of my little Daschund, Farsh. Although she was already 16 years old she still had a lot of energy and good spirits. Her tail wagged to the last day of her life. Unfortunately she was suffering from some kind of growth in her stomach. I finally bought the injection needed to carry out tests, and she was due for her first test on Sunday. Unfortunately I found her lying peacefully in eternal sleep on the kitchen floor on Saturday morning. I buried her in the Judean Desert, just below our apartment block.
When I picked up Mr. 85 year old, Tourist at his hotel for a tour to Massada, last Thursday, he asked me to call his daughter, living in Israel. She mentioned that he liked gardening and suggested I show him the botanical gardens at Kibbutz Ein Gedi. I did this very obligingly and was lucky to find the chief gardener himself to take us around in his club cart.
Now I know that you expect me to describe this garden to you. Unfortunately I am at a loss for words. The greenness speckled with delicate pink, purple and blue colors, oozed coolness, freshness and relaxation in the midst of 40 degrees desert climate. It's a place everyone should visit. I'm one of the lucky ones who will be staying overnight there with this week's tourist.
Naturally I took my botanical octogenarian to other gardens, such as the Mt. Scopus Hebrew University garden of local flora, the university botanical gardens and the Knesset rose garden. This was a rediscovery of the prowess of Israeli gardeners.
There's hope for a nation that loves gardens, beautiful objects, beautiful art in every form; music, literature, painting and beautiful deeds of kindness and love. I believe we are striving to be such a nation. No matter that there are setbacks now and again and there are many enemies of these things that make life worthwhile.
This month's opera for me was Puccini's trilogy: Sister Veronique, The Cloak and Gianni Schicci. Three operas in one night.
If you ever get round to seeing this opera you'll understand why I try to improve my vocabulary and syntax. Only language can enable me to describe such a beautiful experience.
In my opinion, in these three operas Puccini is describing three kinds of women; the mother, the wife and the daughter.
The mother is faithful and offers undying hope to her children. The wife is loyal and always returns to her husband even if she strays sometimes. The daughter inspires and motivates the father to action. There is no limit to the kind of actions a father will take to make his daughter happy even if those actions be somewhat illegal. He does everything happily for his daughter and everything he does brings him happiness.
In my opinion the aria of the daughter singing to her father is one of the greatest I've heard in opera. If you ever get the chance listen to the aria from Gianni Schicci.
Wishing you a great no news day. Yours truly. Leon.