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My reverie.
He threw a bucket of ice cold water on my head.
What was I supposed to do?
I screamed, jumped up, waved my arms.
I cursed and decided there and then to take revenge.
The thing had come on me so suddenly and coldly.
The cold shook me out of my reverie where I was comfortable and unafraid.
Its shock had made me frightened and its coldness had angered me.
I was angry at the person who did this shocking thing and the cold water gave me pain.
Anger, annoyance, fear and hate were all justified. Who could deny that?
I was an injured person and so entitled to be angry and to hate and seek revenge.
I vowed I’d get revenge on the wicked person. Of course the person must be wicked. What other conclusion could I come to?
Concluded is concluded no change no, no, no, no.
Reverie smashed, smashed and mashed.
Anger glows and glows, glows and grows.
Come to me sweet anger the motor of my being.
Push me forward smash all in front of me.
Let nothing stand between me and revenge.
Ah sweet revenge flavored with hatred poured on the anger.
The motor hails lustily carrying me forward to sweet revenge.
This is becoming one big chocolate pudding. Devour, crunch and munch.
Get ready to delight in the sweet revenge. Ah sweet revenge.
Aren’t I lucky something happened to make me angry?
Now my motor revs and throbs. It has heart; it’s brave, full of energy from the fire of anger. Let’s go, let’s go, go, go.
Eat the pudding get revenge. Swell with revenge and power until you burst. Bang that’s the end of you.
What a pity you were so close to sweet revenge. You fizzled out. You don’t need anger anymore because now you don’t have a motor.
You burnt it out and now you also don’t have revenge. You burnt yourself out on anger. Anger burnt you up and finished you off.
You’re a dead engine don’t bother putting the fuel of anger into it anymore.
Alas alas you might have saved the fuel and your motor might have run for many years. Because actually it doesn’t need the fuel of anger to run. In fact, here’s a bit of info; someone should have told you that human motors run much better and last much longer without the fuel of anger.
They’ve got the fuel of love; they’re actually born with it.
You made a bad mistake.
You thought you have to make the fuel of anger for your motor to run.
That’s the wrong fuel man, don’t go and put the wrong fuel in you motor you’ll ruin it; human motors don’t run well on the fuel of anger. They run very well on the fuel of love, love, love, love.
Love the man who throws a bucket of ice cold water on your head. Love even the ice cold water. Avoid the conclusion that he’s wicked. Just love him, his bucket and his ice cold water.
Use the fuel of anger and it gets more. Use the fuel of love and it also gets more.
If you don’t use the fuel of anger it gets less. If you don’t use the fuel of love it also gets less.
With love your motor will run more smoothly and last longer.
With anger your motor will run gruffly and burn out quickly.
You can choose the fuel for your motor. Just remember you can only choose either anger or love. You can’t choose both because the one destroys the other.
If we all chose love the world would be full of love.
But we’re all choosing anger so the world is full of anger and no matter how healthy we are our motors run out very quickly.
Either the end of anger is nigh or the end of world is nigh.
I think the end of anger is nigh and the world continues as long as there’s love, which, if there’s no anger lasts forever.
You have been warned make the right choice now and heal anger. That’s the real sickness of mankind. Let it be no more.