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A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey
Jerusalem Sat 11th 2005
Ex 3:8
"So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites."
The word "flowing" always implies energy.
Energy is always trapped.
It always wants to get out.
It's always looking for a way to get out.
When thoughts flow
poets suffer
to get them out because
they are energy.
They're trapped in the soul
and nobody knows
how they got there or
how they can get out.
But when they get out
they shake the world because
they touch the energy
flowing in the land.
God said "let there be light,"
And there was light.
Light is only the energy
of the word that came
from the thought of God.
And the thought came
from the force that has
the most energy of all:
God's thought touched
the earth and the energy flowed
in the land.
The energy flows
in the earth,
not on it.
Rivers and rivers of milk and honey
are constantly flowing
deep in the land,
like thoughts flowing deep
in the soul of the poet,
Great and mighty and trapped.
What's on it is where it's managed
to burst forth.
Miles and miles of Date Palms
have burst forth
to give us a view and a taste
of the energy flowing in the land. Every one can taste the dates and the peaches
but only those who delve deep into the heart
of God, the word of Torah
can taste the Milk and Honey
It bursts forth
like the oasis in the desert.
It bursts forth
like water to the thirsty man
who has walked and suffered
for days and days
to give him a taste
of the energy flowing
in the Land.
Drive through the Desert.
The bursting of the land's
flowing energy
is most obvious there.
A bright green patch
on a dull brown background.
A black goat
next to a black Beduin tent.
A sudden oasis
of water, camels and palm trees.
Go to the desert to see
the Land Flowing with Mild and Honey.
God gave us His Torah in the Desert.
The Torah is the Land flowing with Milk and Honey.
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