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Israel: Daniel in the lion's den.

Jerusalem Thursday, July 03, 2008


For a hundred years or more the Arabs have been penetrating the western world through so called passive immigration, establishing Islamic societies in the West and gradually achieving the goal of Islamic domination over Western Civilization, which doesn't mean a new progressive, modern, liberal culture. It means the destruction of western civilization in the way the barbarians destroyed Roman civilization and brought in the Dark Ages.


Since the beginning of the world there has been recurrent development of civilizations followed by penetration and destruction by a barbarian societie. Then mankind has to start all over again.


The only example, in all of known history of man, of a reversal of this never ending trend is the establishment of a Jewish State in the midst of the Arab world at the end of the 19th century.


The Jewish Nation chose to recreate itself in Israel, the land where the Arabs had destroyed the highly advanced Jewish and Christian civilization in the 7th century, and thereby inaugurating the period known as the Dark Ages.


Now the Jews are developing civilization in the Middle East once again.


By settling in the wasteland created by the Arabs in the course of the last 1300 years Israel is turning back the tide of primitivism.


The natural difficulties have been infinite but the Jewish People can now look back on 60 years of successful creative development. Naturally the Arabs have tried and are still trying to unleash their terrible destruction aspirations like a pack of lions grabbing their prey.


Once again Daniel has entered the lion's den and once again the lions can't do more than hungrily lick their chops and now and again stick out a paw to grab an innocent Daniel, but Daniel continues to grow strong.


Now the Arabs have called in their biggest lion, Iran and its mighty atom bomb. It remains to be seen how successful they'll be.


In the words of Isaac Halevy (ex secret service) "Israel is invincible" and the Iranians should be aware of that.


This however isn't true of the other nations of the West, because there the Arab penetration is carefully disguised as immigration of poor people seeking refuge from poverty in their countries. The poverty is mostly the result of bad and corrupt administrations, mostly of Moslem leaders of those countries or leaders who see Islam as the panacea of their country's ills.


The western nations are feeling the pressure of these new immigrants and are hysterically making laws to stem the tide of invasion by the poorer countries of the world, but who can blame them if they relax the laws sometimes out of sympathy for these wretched people.


These laws are unjust and won't succeed because they go against the freedom, justice for all mankind and democracy that the West stands for.


Once the West colonized Africa to exploit it now the West needs to go back there and turn it into a paradise for whoever is living there without any strings of religion attached, simply for the sake of helping. Those countries need real helpers not exploiters and not missionaries.


The establishment of Israel originated in the desire of the founders of Zionism to rescue Jews. It has done this admirably by entering the lion's den. In this Israel has become an island and a bastion of western civilization.


Now the West needs to follow Israel's example and enter the lion's den also to save Western Culture.