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Gaza confusion Explained

Leon Gork

Jerusalem Tuesday, June 19, 2007


The situation in Gaza is closely related to the objectives of the Radical Islam Movement. Please allow me to explain.


Historical Background.


Radical Islam as a political, spiritual movement in Islam started mostly with the fall of western imperial control over the Middle East and the subsequent takeover by anti imperialistic Arab dictatorships.


Radical Islam grew out of both these events.


At first Radical Islam rejoiced in the takeover but very rapidly became disappointed with the Arab regimes that took the place of western imperialism.


Radical Islam saw that those regimes weren't promoting the interests of pure, radical Islam, as expected. Instead they were trying to modernize the Arab world at the expense of Radical Islam.


These disappointments lead to the formation of the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.


The big mistake I and many other people make is in not differentiating between Arab nationalism and Radical Islam in the form of the Moslem Brotherhood. After reading the book "Radical Islam" by Emanuel Sivan, I see how wrong I was. 


We could be forgiven for this mistake because it was encouraged by the Arab Nationalist movement itself. They wanted the Arab world and, less important, the Western World to think it could replace Islam with Arabism.


Arab Nationalism appeared as the panacea of the Arab world during the First World War. Its objective was to bring modernity to the Moslem world.


They tried to get the Moslems to accept Arab Nationalism as the true expression of Islam. They tried to include Christians and other Moslem denominations like the Shiites in Lebanon and the Alawis in Syria in an all embracing universalism that would be Arabism and would, naturally include Islam.


Radical Islam didn't see it that way; on the contrary they saw Arab Nationalism as the biggest threat to Islam.


The only country where Arab Nationalism really succeeded was Turkey, there they discarded the Arab language, something totally unthinkable in Radical Islamic terms.


Even so Turkey is always on the brink of falling back into Radical Islam.


Arab Nationalism, however is a powerful force, supported by the intellectuals and the politicians. Their main method of control was by the media and tyrannical leaders who limited the freedom of speech.


They managed in most countries like Iraq, Egypt and Syria to turn the radicals into underground organizations, hunted and persecuted by the regime, while at the same time encouraging a limited Islam restricted to schools and mosques.


The most glaring examples of the opposition to Radical Islam are the executions in Egypt and Syria and of course the tyrannical rule of Saddam Husein in Iraq.


The Hatred the Radical Moslems felt for these regimes was constantly growing with every new measure of oppression.


This hatred is only exceeded by the hatred of Israel and the Shiites.


Radical Islam at present 


Their priorities are clear; first get rid of the Arab Nationalists, then the Shiites then Israel then western culture.


The recent attacks by Radical Islam on the West are only a strategy to bolster and motivate Moslems to join the fold of Radical Islam.


Western strategy at the moment is to support the Shiites as the most promising Islamic group to fight Radical Islam.


Unfortunately this strategy is being upset by Iran's overtures to the Radical Moslems.


Ahmadinajad's (Shiit) recent clamoring for the destruction of Israel were made for Moslem radical ears. It's a sign that Radical Islam has made great inroads into the masses of the Moslem world. Ahmadinajad doesn't want to be left out. In fact he would like to lead the pack.


He's hoping to show them that Iran is the best solution for the destruction of Israel and so to win their support.


He's trying to show that his goals are the same as the goals of Radical Islam.


Many people think that the radicals have swallowed the Iranian bait and have become more tolerant of Shiit Islam as a result of his efforts (in the form of monetary support), but that is very doubtful, especially in the light of the struggle of the Sunni Moslems against the Shiit regime in Iraq.


Radical Islam finds its supporters, naturally among the Sunni Moslems.


All is not lost, however, because the growth of Sunni Islam all over the world doesn't mean that they are all Radical Moslems. As I pointed out above there is a big intellectual group among them who are pressing for greater modernization and westernization of Islam.


It only means that the base of loyalty to Islam is growing and this constitutes a broader base from which Radical Islam enlists new members. But it's also a base for the recruitment of Arab Nationalists.


The West has an interest to support Arab Nationalism. This offers the greatest hope of victory over the Radicals. But this also strengthens the possibility of radicalism.


Israel's situation.


At the moment the most prominent representatives of the various factors facing Israel can be lined up as follows:


Hizbullah, who has been seriously weakened by the last war Israel fought against them, represents Shiit Islam in Lebanon.


Hamas which represents Radical Islam has taken over the war against Israel. It seems they've moved Israel up on the priority list above.


From the speeches of the Hamas leadership it seems, however, they have other priorities before taking care of Israel. Right now they just want to get all the Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank into the fold of Radical Islam. 


Now that they've taken over Gaza they'll want to consolidate their position which means introducing total law according to Islam. There is no doubt that they will have a solid, secure control over the people and all the Moslems in Gaza will live according to Moslem Law.


Fatah (PLO) is seen as the stool pigeon of Arab Nationalism that is why the terrible violence in Gaza has been directed against them and will continue. 


Hamas will now introduce Radical Islam into the West Bank also. This will make them the first Moslem movement to gain a substantial victory for Islam in the Arab world and they will now be highly regarded by the masses of Moslems in all Arab countries.


They will consolidate their position in Gaza and work to have a fair administration that will provide jobs and a decent life for all those who toe the Islamic Radical line. God help those who don't.


This is why we see many Arabs fleeing to Israel from Gaza, but I don't think that many will take this course. It's too dangerous, as we saw yesterday. It would be much more practical to support Radical Islam.


Gaza will become the first Radical Islamic state in the world.


They will bring new encouragement to radical Moslems all over the world. The Arab Nationalist governments like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Pakistan might not want to encourage the new Radical regime in Gaza but, on the other hand those countries might have to render support to satisfy the demand of the Moslem masses in their countries.


Even Israel must take into account the mass of Sunni Moslems amongst its citizens who sympathize with the Hamas' achievement in raising the banner of pure Islam.


On the other hand the events in Gaza might push the Arab Nationalists to co-operate with Israel and America against Radical Islam.


In my opinion this is very unlikely. But according to Olmert's hopeful statements in the last few days regarding new opportunities for talks with the PLO, he and Bush think this can happen. Who knows??